Week 4 – A much delayed summary of my life post a long long weekend of weddings and divine food.

Week 3 – the no fruit police have entered the building and are hanging around for the next few weeks – eek!

Week 2 was spot on, quite literally. We got spots, at sugar and had zero regrets.

Wk 1 Pt 2 : Three friends, in three cities and had three very different sugar journeys for the second half of week 1!

Welcome to our new year, new you and all that jazz segment. We’re quitting sugar á la Sarah Wilson.

Should definitely stay in Vegas.

Now that I think about it that saying has very valid points.

So here I was, wondering what to do with all these photos I keep taking on random and seemingly infrequent activities I do between work and work. Then I got a “renew domain name” email and it was like fate. Fate in the sense that I made it myself but am just incredibly forgetful. You’ve probably forgotten about this place too, so hello forgetful buddy. Now enjoy as from here on in I’m going to use this as my online photo album.

A few months back (holla throwback) my two other flat mates abandon us for greener pastures and the third came home with an ambitious idea for adventure fuelled exercise, it would be rude to deny him the opportunity to train for his half marathon by running up to the Brooklyn Wind Turnbine.   The destination was atop Polhill […]

It’s ANZAC weekend!

Well was, I’m hardly a fortune teller so would be unable to fill this post with my predictions for what would happen- plus photos! Pretty cool if I could though. Now that I’m a young professional (oh la la), with an official (-ly expensive) certificate to boot, long weekends must be savoured and this one was no exception.

Well hello there old friend, I’m sorry its taken me an inexcusably long time to complete these travel posts. No, I didn’t just stay in NY and live happily ever after, though it would have been grand. Since my return to New Zealand there have been many conversations over coffee, cake, tea, cake, wine and […]